April 13, 2014

Short Girl Woes : Get the Tall Look!

God made me short and sweet and hence I'm always mistaken for a school girl till date! I wish my legs would grow taller but no, Oh! the pains of trying to find a good pair of jeans! They never fit! You either have to roll them up a million times or put up with walking around like you’ve shrunk them in the wash! Don’t get me started on midi-skirts either…(just no) But thankfully I can cheat and look a few inches higher to atleast match my age and here is how :-

Match your shoes to your stockings or pants
Giving yourself a monochromatic look to create a clean line. Without different colours breaking up your feet from your legs you can appear to have giraffe legs.

Go for the black
Darker colours on your bottom half will help have a slimming effect. You can opt for pants in grey, oxblood or black to help make your legs look thinner and longer.


Find your perfect nude
Pair a nude pump with your outfit to give the appearance of longer legs. If your nude is matched correctly you will be unable to tell where your leg ends and foot begins. Find the perfect nude for you with the Christian Louboutin Nudes app so you can nail it every time.

Buy high-waisted anything
The pants will lie above the hipbones to give you a few extra inches of "leg". Avoid low-waisted items that will make legs look shorter. You can also tuck your shirt into your waistband making your torso look shorter and legs longer.

Get your Beetlejuice on
Vertical lines trick the eyes into thinking there is more length than there actually is. You can get the same effect from creasing, piping, or buttons vertically on clothing.

Ditch the ankle strap
Yes they’re trendy but they’ll cut your leg off at the foot cutting length. Short boots do the same thing so go for the tall boots, open toes are also a good investment.



  1. hi! love your advise in this post!

